Styku 3D Body Composition Scan & Analysis

What is Styku?

Styku 3D is a body scanning technology that uses a 3D imaging system to create a detailed, 360-degree model of a person's body. It is often used to provide clients with accurate measurements of their body composition, including body fat percentage, lean muscle mass, and other key metrics.

Styku 3D works by projecting a series of infrared lights onto the body, which are captured by a camera and processed into a 3D image using specialized software. The resulting model can be used to track changes in body composition over time, and to create customized fitness and nutrition plans that are tailored to the individual's specific needs.

3D body scanning is the revolutionary technology that motivates clients visually, while providing professionals with key health metrics in 35 seconds.

Clients stand on a platform and hold still for a few seconds, arms outstretched.

With the razor-sharp, high-resolution infrared imaging system, 3D body scanning technology captures millions of data points in a matter of seconds in a fast, non-invasive process.

These data points are then projected to clients through a unique report. The results from the 3D scan can be tracked on a scalable basis to create real fitness results.

Is it DEXA?

DEXA is the new standard in body composition; it's a device that uses low-level x-rays to estimate body fat, bone density, and other values.

DEXA creates more accurate estimates of body fat that are higher than other common methods. Calipers, and hydrostatic weighing (the "dunk tank"), for example, will produce lower body fat % values than DEXA.

As a result, your DEXA-driven Styku body fat values will also appear higher than those from other body measurement devices.

This is normal, and you can trust that Styku's values are accurate.

Why delta matters.

A delta is a number that represents the amount of change between measurements taken at different times. We encourage you to focus on how these values, like body fat % and circumferences, are changing over time.

Because Styku consistent and provides repeatable measurements with good precision, you can expect to track change and progress over time reliably with Styku.

Prove it to yourself by scanning yourself three times back to back, and you'll find your measurements agree with each other quite well. In the end, no person is represented by a number.

What matters most is measuring change; or measuring a delta. Regardless of the device you use or trust, so long as it's consistent and well validated, the delta you measure should be similar.


  • The Styku scanner takes roughly 850 of these images as your body rotates on the turntable. Because the images are taken as your body is rotating, we can create a full 3D copy of your entire body by combining the images.

  • The total scanning process from start to finish can take about 3-5 minutes. We always do a calibration systems check prior to every scan, and then get you on the platform, perform the scan itself which takes about 30 seconds, input your information so we can make sure you get a copy of your scan as well!

  • The scan is non-invasive and absolutely painless!

  • You can get the scan performed as much as you’d like. Keep in mind that your body physiologically changes and fluctuates on a constant basis, so doing scan too close together may not give you the greatest insight. We recommend 1 scan every month for general weight management; and every 6 months for general wellness. Your primary care provider can give you some great guidance regarding this as well.

  • Absolutely! Healthcare Providers appreciate the report that is generated from the Styku scan due to it’s accuracy, consistency and relevance. It is a tangible and empirical way of tracking health data.
