
Personalized Body Sculpting for the body you want, down to the last curve

So what is it?

TruSculpt is a revolutionary non-surgical, body-sculpting treatment that allows you to personalize your ideal body in as little as one 15-minute treatment. TruSculpt is a safe and effective technology that is clinically proven to permanently eliminate fat cells in stubborn areas around your abdomen and flanks. With TruSculpt, you can get the body definition you want, even in areas that have been resistant to diet and exercise.

TruSculpt uses innovative Monopolar RF technology to selectively target fat and therapeutically heat it – until fat cells are eliminated by passing through the body’s lymphatic drainage system naturally. An average of 24% fat reduction is achieved in just one treatment.

TruSculpt allows you to personalize your ideal body with a revolutionary non-surgical, body-sculpting treatment. Its comfortable, safe, and effective technology is clinically proven to permanently eliminate fat cells in stubborn areas around your abdomen and flanks.

How is this different than other body sculpting treatments?

• This procedure is versatile and effective to treat a wide range of patients who may not be a candidate for other contouring procedures due to treatment location, skin type, fat thickness and presence of skin laxity.

• The treatment has minimal discomfort and has been compared to a hot stone massage.

• There is no visible downtime after the procedure and normal activity can be resumed immediately.

• The treatment time is dependent on the treatment size and how many areas are treated. Treatment time is typically 15 to 30 minutes to treat the abdomen and flanks.

• Typically, only 2 treatments are needed. Maximum results are visible after 12 weeks. Additional treatments may be required to achieve the personalized results you desire.

Who is it for?

TruSculpt is for a wide variety of people. It’s also designed for the person trying to kickstart their health and wellness journey, as well as for the person who has been doing everything right, putting in time at the gym, and eating healthy and can’t seem to break past that plateau.

What are the areas that can be treated?

  • Under the chin & Jowls

  • Upper Arms

  • Upper Back & Bra Bulge

  • Upper/Lower Abdomen

  • Flanks

  • Lower Back

  • Hips

  • Outer/Inner Thighs

  • Inner Knees

What is the actual mechanism?

TruSculpt uses 2MHZ mono polar radio frequency to deliver even energy to the fat layer and then maintain a comfortable skin temperature. Allows you to treat multiple areas of the body simultaneously for maximum results and patient satisfaction.

On average, each 15 minute treatment can irrevocably damage 22%-24% of fat cells.

Real-Time Temperature Control: Continuously monitors skin temperature and automatically adjusts energy delivery to comfortably heat and maintain skin to 45’C while surface temperature remains 5-6’C cooler than deep fat temperatures.

Over a 12-week period, damaged fat cells were slowly broken down and eliminated from the treated subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Fat heating selectivity: Optimized energy delivery and heating enhance selective apoptosis within subcutaneous adipose tissue.

About 24 percent of the fat cells are irreversibly damaged 12 weeks after treatment, causing them to be excreted by the body’s lymphatic drainage system.

What is the treatment like?

After your consultation, you will be shown to a private treatment room and asked to change into the garments you wear during the treatment.

We typically suggest bringing a swimsuit or desired undergarments that will be comfortable and allow access to the treated areas. From there, you will lie down on a comfortable treatment table, and your TruSculpt Specialist will begin the treatment.

The treatment lasts 15 minutes and is performed using 6 treatment heads strategically placed to impact the most amount of subcutaneous fat as possible.

The treatment heads will gradually warm up and feel similar to a hot stone massage.

There are no side effects; you can return to your regular day immediately after the treatment. Most clients have the treatment performed before/after work or during their lunch break!

TruSculpt Experience


  • Because TruSculpt is a customized and tailored treatment to meet individual needs, most adult men and women are a candidate. During your consultation, we will discuss with you if you are a candidate, based on your health and medical history, as well as what your personal fitness goals are.

  • Multiple areas can be treated in as little as one 15-minute session.

    Typically most patients need 2 treatments and results may be visible after the second session with maximum results visible 8-12 weeks after the last session.

    During your consultation, we will create a custom treatment plan to determine the appropriate number of sessions you’ll need for best results according to your physical condition and related lifestyle factors.

  • Treatments can vary between 15 minutes to 45 minutes and this is all dependent on what your body composition goals are.

  • TruSculpt procedures are typically described as feeling like a hot stone massage. During treatment, the temperature of your skin will rise but remain comfortable. It’s effective, safe, and the results are even and consistent.

  • TruSculpt is non-invasive, requires no recovery time, and you are able to immediately return to normal activities after the treatment. Post-procedure, the treatment area will be warm and flushed for less than one hour. While you may experience mild sensitivity to the touch for a few days, you’ll be able to immediately return to normal activities and exercise.

  • The duration of the results* obtained always depends on certain circumstances, such as your physical condition and your future lifestyle factors. By following a healthy lifestyle and maintaining physical activity levels, results can last as long, although it’s strongly recommended that you receive maintenance cycles to ensure that results are even more stable and lasting.

15 minutes in each area of your body

& 8-12 weeks for a slimmer you.

Invest in yourself.