Thor Photobiomodulation Laser Therapy
Photobiomodulation (PBM Therapy) previously known as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is the application of red and near infra-red light over injuries or lesions to improve wound and soft tissue healing, reduce inflammation and give relief for both acute and chronic pain.
Photobiomodulation is used to: increase the speed, quality and tensile strength of tissue repair; resolve inflammation and relieve pain (analgesia). The red and near infrared light (600nm-1000nm) commonly used in PBM can be produced by laser or high intensity LEDs. The intensity of PBM lasers and LED's is not high like a surgical laser. There is no heating effect.
The effects of PBM are photochemical (like photosynthesis in plants). When the correct intensity and treatment times are used, red and near infrared light reduces oxidative stress and increases ATP. This improves cell metabolism and reduce inflammation. These effects can be enhanced with pulses however when analgesia is required there is a second mechanism which works best when a strong continuous beam is applied.
How LLLT works.
Light can stimulate or inhibit cellular function according to it's intensity and the time applied.
Lasers and LED's produce intense beams of light at specific wavelengths. When the right wavelength at the right intensity is used at the correct anatomical location for the right amount of time you can stimulate repair, resolve inflammation and reduce pain.
One of the primary mechanisms is the effect of light on cytochrome c oxidase and the consequently the unbinding of nitric oxide and release of ATP leading to improved cellular function. For anti-inflammatory effects we have found a measurable reduction in PGE2, TNF Alpha and IL-6 in the synovia surrounding damaged tendons and for analgesia high intensity lasers over nerve supply can inhibit fast axonal flow.
In addition, high intensity single point lasers can release trigger points and treat acupuncture points instead of needles.
Custom Treatment Protocols tailored towards treating and managing your pain.
Treatments are not painful at all. Sometimes there can be some sensation that occurs, depending on the treatment area due to the stimulation of nerve endings, but generally not painful at all.
Treatments can vary between 20-30 minutes depending on the treatment area. We create a custom protocol for each condition/diagnosis that will address pain management as well as healing/regeneration promotion. Depending on each individual case, some protocols require 4-6 treatments back to back, whereas other cases may require 2-3 treatments per week for several weeks.
Pain/injuries that have been persisting for longer tan a couple of weeks tends to fall under chronic condition. The good news is that Thor Laser Therapy can absolutely help, the not so good news is that it may take a little longer to promote and instigate the healing response/mechanism.
Do not use PBM over any known malignant lesions unless:
-for pain relief during the terminal stages of the illness, but only with their physicians permission.
-for cancer therapy side effects (e.g. oral mucositis, radiation dermatitis, etc), but only with their physicians permission.
-There is no evidence of harm to a an unborn baby however there are no safety tests either, so for medico legal reasons we recommend not treating directly over the developing fetus. It may be used on the pregnant woman for the treatment of back pain etc.
There is no evidence of harm and there is some evidence of benefit for treating hashimoto's thyroiditis with PBM. As with many things in life too much of what is good for us may be be harmful and so it is conceivable that a high intensity laser treatment direct to the thyroid might (temporarily) stimulate (or inhibit) some thyroid activity. We suggest not applying lasers directly over the thyroid. The THOR LED treatments are however relatively low intensity and far less likely to trigger any adverse events when treating that region of the neck.
Treatment over a tattoo with higher irradiance laser may cause pain as the dye absorbs the laser energy and gets hot.
Everyone responds differently to Thor Laser Therapy; some clients report immediate relief in symptoms, while other notice a gradual progression in positive pain relief as well as increase in mobility, strength and endurance.